Two self-build plots for sale
- Plot 31 and Plot 32
- 250 square meters each
- Offers in the region of £70,000 each
- Offers by 28th February
- The plots may be sold sooner if an acceptable offer is received
Location | Former site of 79 Roundhay Road, Leeds, LS7 4AA. The site is near to amenities, has excellent transport links and is just over 1 mile from Leeds City Centre. |
Number of plots | There are currently two plots available: Plots 31 and 32. Plot 30 has already been sold and construction has started. |
Size of plots | 250 sqm each – 3 or 4 bedroom houses over three floors |
Condition of site | Plots are serviced. They have been remediated to remove contamination but the city council may require further evidence that the construction of the self-build houses does not interfere with this remediation. |
Planning permission status | The plots have the benefit of full planning permission for 3 bedroom houses. However it is up to the purchaser to secure planning permission or variations if required for their particular design. Full planning permission granted – 17/02730/FU – for two semi-detached 4-bedroom houses. Planning permission – 24/03561/FU is currently awaiting a final decision. This is for a detached house on each plot.Planning permission details are here: https://publicaccess.leeds.gov.uk/online-applications/Planning permission is for residential self-build properties |
Cost of freehold | Offers in the region of £70,000 for each plot |
Dates and timescale | The plots are available for immediate sale. Offers need to be received by 28th February but earlier offers are encouraged. We may accept an offer as soon as it is received. |
Other notes | These plots are ‘self-build’ – defined as ‘where an individual, an association of individuals, or persons working with or for individuals or associations of individuals, build or complete houses to be occupied as homes by those individuals.’ There will need to be logistic co-operation between the purchasers of these plots with each other and with the plot 30 owned by Andrew Tear. ChaCo will consider offers based on the amount offered, timescale, sustainability and willingness to co-ordinate with neighbours |
Further information | Contact Peter Richardson, peter@chapeltowncohousing.org.uk Andrew Tear who is building on plot 30 can also be contacted for information: andrew.tear101@gmail.com |
How to make an offer | Please email selfbuildplots@chapeltowncohousing.org.uk and include the following information:
The plots are situated in a new development to the north of Barrack Road and Roundhay Road at the southern end of Chapeltown.
Adjoining the site are Chapeltown Cohousing – a development of 33 households – and Unity Housing Association flats for over 55s.